Why are emails sent to the Promotions folder?

Steps you can take to increase your chances of avoiding Gmail's 'Promotions' tab and hitting the main inbox

Every incoming email is scanned by algorithms that are part of Gmail. Gmail's algorithm will highlight and direct your emails to the Promotions folder if you send promotional emails using a third-party email marketing tools (like HubSpot). Only 19.2% of the 84.5% of emails that come in the Promotions tab of Gmail are actually read.

How to prevent emails from going to the Promotions tab

Since Gmail's algorithms are always changing, there isn't a single way to stop emails from flowing to the Promotions page. However, there are particular actions you can take to improve the chances that your emails will appear on the Primary tab.

1. Ask your subscribers to add you to the Primary tab or to whitelist you.

The only method to guarantee that your emails land in your subscribers' Primary inboxes is to ask them to physically add you to their Primary tab. To move an email from the Promotions folder to the Primary one, you must ask them to click the "Labels" icon at the top of Gmail and uncheck the Promotions box. The plan is for them to uncheck each email until Gmail's algorithm picks it up and reflects it. However, because it requires human labour, there's a significant probability that some of your subscribers won't bother.

You can also request a whitelist or contact list addition from your audience. Simply instruct them to select "Add [Name] to Contacts list" by clicking the three dots in the email's upper right corner.

Keep in mind that your subscribers are probably receiving dozens of emails every day. In addition to requesting that they whitelist you or put you to the Primary tab, make sure to discuss the advantages of doing so. Are you announcing the debut of a new product? Awaiting exciting news to share? Try to be as open and communicative as you can.

2. Personalise your email.

One of the easiest methods to prevent your emails from ending up on the Promotions page is to personalise them. Think of your emails as letters to a friend when composing them. Instead than sounding like some automatic blast, be friendly and personable. Use language that your subscribers use, tell stories, and tell funny jokes that connect with them.

Personalising marketing emails increases open rates and lead conversion while demonstrating your sincere interest in your subscribers. You'd be surprised to learn how simple it is to accomplish this. Keep in mind the following advice:

Create subscriber segments. Organise your members into groups based on the information you have about them, such as their purchasing patterns, length of subscription, age, etc. With this knowledge, you may tailor emails to each group so they are pertinent. You'll be able to send emails that your intended audience wants to read, which will raise open rates, income, and the number of devoted clients.

Do not send out emails in bulk. Sending bulk emails to all of your subscribers may be considered spam or advertising, especially if the emails come from an email service provider. It is preferable to send subscribers emails based on their preferences. You might need to perform some additional research, but it will be worthwhile once your subscribers start opening your emails.

3. Tone down salesy phrases.

Almost every marketer is guilty of using words or phrases that can be marked as spam, such as "Get paid today," "Free gift card," "50% off," "Free membership," and "No obligation." Emails that appear to be advertisements will automatically be routed to the Promotions page in Gmail.

Remember this advice as well, especially when crafting your subject lines. Adding money signs or anything else associated with marketing should be avoided. People will unsubscribe from your promotional email if it reads too promotionally.

4. Use images sparingly.

Sales graphics, product photographs, and other visuals are frequently crammed into a single email for promotional purposes. These images could catch readers' attention, but they might also be the reason your emails end up in the Gmail Promotions page. Ensure simplicity. Instead than clogging up your emails with multiple images and infographics, it is preferable to stay with only one. Pro tip: If you use your company's emblem as your profile image, Gmail may also flag your emails.

5. Be mindful of the number of links you use.

Promotional emails frequently include numerous links that can take customers to the home page, landing sites, blogs, and social media accounts of your business. Another item that Gmail's algorithm will identify and direct to the Promotions page is this. Keep it to a maximum of two or three links. Remember that a link also includes the "Unsubscribe" button.

The call to action is basically the only link that promotional emails need (CTA). Avoid using terms that encourage purchase, such as "Buy immediately," "Limited time only," or "Get your discount NOW," as these could change Google's algorithms. Great CTAs that aren't overly forceful include "Learn more," "What we do," and "Continue."

6. Check your email address.

The email address in your sender field and your reply-to address must match. Google will think that you are using a business email account if you use multiple addresses. Casual emails between friends don’t usually have different reply-to addresses or use a no-reply address. If you’re using an email marketing service, check if your reply-to and sender email address match.

The distinction between personal and professional email addresses is recognised by Gmail. Instead of utilising your company's email address, send emails from a personal account. Instead of info@companyxyz.com, for instance, use name@companyxyz.com.

Sending an automatic blast for marketing and promotional emails could appear effective, but it actually has the opposite effect. Your efforts will most likely end up in the Promotions folder, where they are unlikely to be read, if you use this kind of impersonalised mass outreach.

Successful email marketing initiatives aim to develop connections with their recipients. Instead of seeming like a corporate salesperson, write like you would in conversation.