Understanding weekly progress reports, budgets and statuses

This article dives into the progress reports, what each section refers to and more

Overall status

The top section of your weekly progress report displays the following information:

  • Reporting period: details the exact start and due dates, which the report is focusing on. Typically this is the current sprint period.
  • The project is: this is the overall project status. This can be ON TRACK/UNDER, DELAYED, BLOCKED, ON HOLD. If the status is anything other than ON TRACK, your report will contain information and reasons as to why the project is not on track and issue-free.
  • The budget is: this is the overall budget status. This can be ON TRACK, SLIGHT OVERRUN, OVER BUDGET. If the status is anything other than ON TRACK, your report will contain information and reasons as to why the budget is not on track and what needs to be done to bring the budget on track.
  • Sprint Goals: This line describes what the key focus is for our delivery team, on your project this week.
  • PM notes: This area provides general commentary from your Project Manager on various streams of work and current project activity.

Risk, Changes and Summary Table


  • Risks - this section will outline any active risks on your project. The Risk Priority and Status fields will outline the severity of the risk, based on how likely it is to occur, and the impact it may have on the project. Each risk is linked to a detailed risk register in our project management platform.
  • Change Requests & Approvals - this section will outline any changes or approvals required, on your project. The Due Date and Status fields will outline when the action is required by. Each Change and Approval is linked to a detailed register in our project management platform.
  • Title/Stream - this is the name of each stream of work that the overall project is split into. More often than not, each stream will be managed and executed by separate delivery teams, with the project manager taking an overview and managing them. 
  • Budget - This column details the exact budget available for each stream of work, as well as the overall project. This budget is set at the start of the project and the values change ONLY if there is a change request added later on. These change requests can be external for the client, or they can be internal - if the commercial stakeholder assigns additional budget. The values in this column rarely change, if ever.
  • Budget Completed - This column details the exact budget used to the current date, from the Budget column. This is a sum of budget on all completed tasks within the Project or the respective stream.
  • The Estimate at Completion (EAC) is a crucial metric in project management that forecasts the total cost of a project once it's completed. It's a dynamic figure that evolves as the project progresses, taking into account actual costs incurred and any deviations from the original budget.
  • Budget Deviation - legacy metric (also referred to as Projected Variance) - This column details the projected total budget variance on each stream of work, and the overall project. The difference between this column and the Budget Completed column, is that this variance takes into account not only tasks completed but also all tasks/work which have not been completed yet. This means that is includes all future work, which has budget assigned to it. Negative Values will indicate available budget in the Project/Stream. Positive values indicate overruns on the project or stream.
  • Progress - this column calculates the budget progress on each stream of work. This is calculated by dividing the Completed Budget by the Sum of all budgetted tasks within the project.
  • Status - each stream has its own status marked -
    • Projects can be: Green, Amber, RED, or On Hold
    • Streams can be: To Do, In Progress, Completed, Blocked, Deferred or Cancelled

Gantt Charts & Milestones

  • The Gantt view will offer a timeline overview of the project. Depending on the scale of the project, this would display 14, 7 or 4 weeks, and have a breakdown per stream
  • Milestones - this table will inform you on how the project is tracking against each milestone - each of which is agreed upon at the Kick Off session.


The bottom section of your weekly progress report will display all of the individual tasks our delivery team has worked on in the previous sprint, as well as all upcoming tasks in the current sprint.
There is also a list of client actions you need to complete - each task is linked back to our project management platform and can be clicked through to find out more information, or communicate with our delivery team members assigned to each task.