Instructions to Send Files to the HubSpot File System
Guidelines to send files to HubSpot
File Naming Convention
- File Naming Convention: {object-type}-{date/time}.csv
- Object type to be the primary object in the CSV
- Date to be in this format YYYY-MM-DD
- Example: deal-2025-02-27
- Set the Access to Private
- PRIVATE access is important so that the files can only be accessed by HubSpot users with the required permissions
- Set Overwrite to True
- overwrite=True is helpful so that if an upload is triggered twice it just replaces the file instead of failing
- JSON dumps (Python)
- json.dumps is important here too. options should be a json string when sent to the API, not a dictionary
import json
import httpx
folder_id = 123
# file names should be dynamic but programatic, would suggest it being something like {object-type}-{relevant date/datetime}.csv
file_name = "{object-type}-{relevant date/datetime}.csv"
file_bytes = b''
auth_token = "<token>"
payload = {
"fileName": file_name,
"folderId": folder_id,
"options": json.dumps(
"access": "PRIVATE",
"overwrite": True,
# PRIVATE access is important so that the files can only be accessed by HubSpot users with the required permissions
# overwrite=True is helpful so that if an upload is triggered twice it just replaces the file instead of failing
# json.dumps is important here too. options should be a json string when sent to the API not a dictionary
response =
headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}"},
files={"file": file_bytes},