HubSpot Address Lookup Card

Requirements to implement the HubSpot Address Lookup Card

To create a custom address lookup card in HubSpot the following information and properties are required. 


  1. Select which Objects the Custom Card is available on. 
  2. Select your Address Types
  3. Create your Properties
  4. Provide your Google API Key

Properties to create

Note, that these properties need to be created per Address Type on the required Objects. 

  • Street Address
  • Suburb
  • City
  • State/Region
  • Country
  • Postal Code

Example of Properties Required

Property Object & Type
  Contact/Billing Contact/Residential Company/Billing
Street Address Billing Street Address Residential Street Address Billing Street Address
Suburb Billing Suburb Residential Suburb Billing Suburb
City Billing City Residential City Billing City
State/Region Billing State/Region Residential State/Region Billing State/Region
Country Billing Country Residential Country Billing Country
Postal Code Billing Postal Code Residential Postal Code Billing Postal Code

Example Images