Follow-Up Emails with Forms

Learn how to use follow-up emails to automate lead nurturing.

Automate lead nurturing by adding follow-up emails to your HubSpot forms. The number of form follow-up emails you can have depends on your subscription (Professional and Enterprise users can use the Workflows tool for marketing automation).

You can schedule up to three follow-up emails for contacts to receive after a form submission. These emails can be added, edited, and published within the forms tool. You can also delay follow-up emails for up to 30 days.


You can customise the following details of your follow-up email:

Subscription type: select a subscription type for your follow-up email.

If you've enabled your GDPR settings, ensure the subscription type you select for the follow up emails is the same as the subscription type set in your form's GDPR section. When your visitor consents to the subscription type in the form submission, they can receive the follow up emails.

  • From user: click the From user drop down menu and select a user. This user will be the From name and email address for your follow-up email.
  • Subject line: add a subject for the follow-up email.
  • Email body: add email body text to continue engaging your contact. If you need to customise your email footer:
  • Click Edit email footer to edit your company's name and address in your email configuration settings.