Data Migration Brief Review Session

What to expect and prepare before your Data Migration Brief Review Session

Meeting Purpose:

  • The purpose of a Data Migration Brief Review Session is to review the Data Migration Brief /Property Register and provide feedback before any data is migrated into HubSpot. The goal of this session is to sign off on the migration plan and approve data can be imported into HubSpot.

    Meeting Agenda:

    • Review Data Migration Brief
    • Review Property Mapping Register
    • Approval
    • Next Steps

    Length & Facilities:

    Allow 1 hour for this session, however, the session may finish early. If joining online, please make sure you have a second screen.

    Who typically attends these sessions:

    Data stakeholders and SMEs on the source systems,  H&D Solutions Lead.

    What you can prepare ahead of time?

    If provided before hand, please review the Data Migration Brief and Property Register and come with any feedback or outstanding questions relating to the migration.