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Configure your HubSpot Profile

Follow these steps to set-up your basic HubSpot Profile in advance of HubSpot Training to ensure that you can make the most of HubSpot.

  1. Update your profile; Avatar, Language, Date & Number format, Phone number (including verification) and Signature
  2. Connect your email inbox and install the HubSpot Sales add-in for your email provider - instructions here
  3. Add any emails/domains that you never want to log (e.g. bank manager, HR, other personal) via the Log emails in CRM settings in HubSpot
  4. Add the following emails to your Email Contacts:
    1. To manually log outgoing emails - BCC: xxxxxxx@bcc.hubspot.com
    2. To log incoming emails and attachments - forward to: xxxxxxx@forward.hubspot.com
  5. Connect and set-up your meetings link - instructions here
  6. Register for Vidyard by following these instructions

Further Resources

HubSpot Article: Getting Started with HubSpot