Client Workshop: Buyer Profile

Meeting Agenda & Explanation


A collaborative session hosted by Hype and Dexter.

Your buyer profile defines which companies are a good fit for your offering and which ones are not. 

So as a B2B company, the definition should be at the company level, not the contact level.

This is important because even if your point of contact doesn’t make the purchasing decision, they’re still valuable to speak to if their company matches your ideal buyer profile. 


  • Intro to Buyer Profiles
  • How they differ from Personas
  • 6 questions to create a profile:
    1. Are there company sizes that are ideal or not ideal who would buy your product?
    2. Do you define size as employees, revenue, customers, or another metric?
    3. Are there industries or verticals that are ideal or not ideal?
    4. Are there geographic locations that are ideal or not ideal?
    5. Are B2B customers better than B2C?
    6. Are there other attributes of that make the buyer ideal or not ideal?
  • Workshop to develop profile

Outcomes & Outputs:

  • Creation of Buyer Profile
  • Load Buyer Profile data into HubSpot (can be used as Personas or for lead scoring)
  • Setup lists, properties and workflows to capture profile identification, segmentation

Length & Facilities

Allow up to 2 hours for this session 

If we are doing this session at your location we will need:

  • Access to the presentation room 15m prior to the session to setup
  • A projector or screen to present on with HDMI or Universal Connector (if your screen does not support these formats please let us know prior to the session)
  • Access to WiFi (please send us details prior to the session)

Your team will need to bring:

Just themselves

Who typically attends these sessions

Key members of customer facing teams: Sales, Service & Marketing who have dealings with your different types of customers.


H&D Facilitator

Typically these sessions are facilitated by the Marketing Lead on Your Project.

Please contact your project manager to book this session, or contact 


This meeting is typically scheduled 1 week from Kick-off.

Internal Use Only:

Supported services:

Snippet reference: #TBC